Sometimes, it’s just nice to think about something else.
I suppose it tells us a lot about the current state of the world that I’m suggesting an endangered species—about which we sometimes feel such despair—is one place to find relief. But I am.
While we are all inside, maybe thinking about the leatherbacks swimming on their long migrations—narrowing in on the nesting beaches at this time of year—will help. A little bit of life going on as usual.
Here’s where our turtles are today:

Satellite tracks of leatherback turtles tagged off Nova Scotia in the summer of 2019 by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Sea Turtle Network.
I also like to look at the leatherback tracks in the context of the rest of the world. I’m amazed by how much of it they cover.

World view
Great idea. People can follow!!
I’m amazed that cover that distance at all: Lots of hazards,
like many types of sharks!
Amazing how Sara fan so precisely find Bermuda in the Atlantic expanse.